Tuesday, August 08, 2006

24/7 work

ell, I am back to work after taking a day leave and today is the first day of TS audit. I got to make sure everything is in proper order; backup, printing, can read and sent mails and even server room’s temp control …. Yes!. no joke.

This 24/7 work ethic is getting common nows-a-day. My boss called me yesterday to iron out some last mins procedures. Bosses has the ability to contact you anytime they want, thanks…or no thanks to technology.

For me as an IT support, weekend and after office hours are the only time I can upgrade servers, rewire cable etc. So got no choice. But really don’t like ppl to call you when you are on leave or even outside Singapore( for holiday ) . That’s why I always switch off my phone whenever I am oversea....LOL.

One funny things I observed is that the Network/systems something have problem when you are not around in the office. Maybe becos we are light and a blessing to the company. When we are not around, the blessing and favour is ‘gone’.


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